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How to Turn on My Boyfriend in Bed

Obviously, you know how to make your partner feel good in the bedroom. But if you're trying to mix things up a deliver a surprise to your partner, did you know there's a ton you can do without having to go full-on Fifty Shades? The good news is, you have what you need already. It's…your mouth.

"Your mouth can deliver an incredible range of sensations," says Shelley Hess, author of Pucker Power: Great Kissers Make Great Lovers. Apply a naughty nibble, a barely-there brush of the, lips or a tantalizing tongue wiggle to the right area of his body and he'll hit the ceiling, thinking, "Wow, how'd she do that?"

Basically, it's optimal foreplay. Try out these sexy mouth moves to give your guy an insane time in the bedroom. (And if he's worth his salt, he'll use his mouth on you, too.)

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1. Pay Attention to His Ears

…But no need to go crazy. The ear can pick up subtle sensations — and less is more, says Sándor Gardos, Ph.D., sexologist at Here's what to do: Place your lips an inch away from his ear and release a slow sigh. Then, hen take his earlobe between your lips and gently tug. This will pull at, and indirectly stimulate, the nerve endings inside the ear. "These nerves are almost never stimulated, so you'll really blow his mind when you do this," says Gardos. So, yes: ears can be an erogenous zone!

2. Don't Forget His Fingers

If you think kisses on the hand are only for men courting women in the 1940s, then you haven't tried this one: Place the tip of your tongue on the webbed area at the base of his fingers, then slowly slide your way up the side. This move will give him goose bumps because this area is very sensitive — but, like the nerves of his inner ear, it rarely gets much attention, says Olivia St. Claire, author of 302 Advanced Techniques for Driving a Man Wild in Bed. Then, to make him completely crazy, take the tip of his finger between your lips. "It's suggestive of what I could be doing down below," says Fran, 39. (Hello, foreplay!)

3. Kiss the Roof of His Mouth

So you figure you've explored every inch of his mouth with yours? Truth is, the one area that's often ignored is the roof of his mouth, which is one of the most ticklish parts of the body, says Hess. So the next time you're lip-to-lip, flick your tongue once or twice in an arc along this area (any more might send him into a fit of giggles). Katrina, 33, has found that this move works wonders on her husband. "When people kiss, they always go for the tongue," she says. "But the first time I ran my tongue along the roof of my husband's mouth, he was like, 'Whoa!' Now I know that if I ever want get a rise out of him, that's what I need to do."

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4. Tease Him

Gently graze your lips (keeping them as dry as possible) across his forehead, looping slowly over to his temple and then down to his mouth. This dry brushing, as Hess calls it, will have a completely different feel from the usual wet kiss. That's because the face is covered with nearly invisible fuzz called vellum hairs. A slight, subtle touch will activate these hairs, inducing sublime shivers.

The sweetness of this kiss will also strengthen your emotional ties to each other, says Nataly, 31. "It's tender but sexy, and it always makes my husband smile," she says. Which means that a kiss like this says, "Let's get it on" and "I love you."

5. Notice His Neck

Few kisses establish an I-want-you-now connection like ones on the neck. To take the passion level up a notch, gently pull his head back and to the side, which will expose an extra-sensitive tendon running from the ear to the shoulder, says St. Claire. Starting at the base of his ear, work your way down the ridge, randomly alternating between small nibbles and gentle kisses so he won't know what's coming next.

6. Try a New Sensitive Spot

The underside of your tongue will feel really good on his most sensitive spots – namely his nipples, an often ignored erogenous zone on men. Its silky texture will feel so sexy on his most sensitive spots – namely his nipples, an often ignored erogenous zone on men. "Although many men are embarrassed to say it – because it seems like something only women should like – they secretly crave to have you pay attention to this area," says Gardos.

So flick the bottom part of your tongue from side to side across these sweet spots. Then, as he gets into it, throw his senses for a loop by switching to the rougher, upper side of your tongue, alternating back and forth. "Nerves tend to go numb when they receive the same type of stimulation for too long," says Gardos. But when you switch from one type of texture to another, you'll keep his senses on maximum alert – which will keep him begging for more.

7. Kiss His Thigh

Starting right above his knee, plant a light-as-a-feather kiss there, then work your way up, increasing the pressure of your lips on his skin the farther you go. That's exactly what Lisa, 36, does to get her husband primed for super hot sex. "Women typically think men don't like foreplay, but my husband loves this," she says. "And sometimes I'll prolong the agony by starting over again down at his other knee. He goes crazy with anticipation."

8. Play With Temperature

All you need is a cup of coffee or an iced drink for this trick. Take a sip, then press your hot (or cold) lips to his inner wrist, planting little kisses up the inside of his arm. "The veins are close to the surface in this area, which makes it especially receptive to touch," says St. Claire. Plus, you'll be stimulating both temperature- and pressure-sensitive nerves, creating a whole new dimension of sensations, says William Cane, author of The Art of Kissing. Liza, 31, stoked her husband's sex drive with an ice-cold kiss during a picnic one day. "It was really hot out, so I drank some some ice water and then reached for his wrist," she recalls. "He loved it, especially since I almost never use props during kissing. The creativity was sexy in itself."

9. Kiss His Stomach

Between your man's navel and his nether region lies a strip of hair known as the "treasure trail," so named because of its sensitivity (not to mention the fact that it leads right where he's dying for you to go). Want to show him just how prize-worthy this trail really is? Starting right below his navel, take some strands of hair between your lips and pull – just hard enough that he can feel it, but gently enough that he's not jumping out of his skin. The pinpricks of slight pain you'll create will send jolts of electricity throughout his lower abdominal region, and even register below the belt.

"Light hair pulling indirectly activates nerves deep beneath the skin's surface, which is something straight skin-to-skin contact can't do," explains Gardos. Plus, the downward direction you're heading in will make your man's imagination run wild with hot 'n' heavy possibilities.

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10. Give a Hands-Free Massage

Straddle your husband as he lies on his stomach, and then press your mouth firmly into the nape of his neck. With your tongue flexed so it's pointy, probe the grooves on each side of his vertebrae, slowly working your way down to his tailbone. "Essentially you're giving him a shiatsu massage using your tongue instead of your fingers," explains Hess. If massages usually lull him to sleep, don't be surprised if this one has quite the opposite effect. When you use your lips instead of your hands, your massage instantly goes from relaxing to racy.

11. Make Your Mouth Vibrate

Here's one you might not have thought of: humming. At first you might feel a little weird, but the payoff will be worth it. "Humming causes your mouth to vibrate in a way that feels similar to sex toys," says Gardos. Plus, varying the pitch of your voice creates a range of sensations: Lower pitches create slower vibrations; higher pitches, faster ones.

12. Pay Attention to the Knees

"This area is one of the most underrated erogenous zones. "The knees are full of nerve endings; that's why people are often ticklish there," says St. Claire. The backs of the knees are especially sensitive, since the nerves are close to the surface, she adds. For maximum sensual impact, swivel your tongue along the crease and then blow on the area. This puff of air will cause the moisture to evaporate, producing a thrilling hot-then-cold sensation. Plus, he'll be able to actually feel you breathing, which will tune his body in to yours and give your intimacy a surcharge.

13. Suck on the Bottom of His Lips

Take just his bottom lip between yours and suck on it gently, which will bring more blood to the surface of his skin, making this area even more sensitive, says Gardos. To get him in on the act, have him suck on your top lip while you're working on his bottom one; then switch. "A lot of guys know only two kisses: the lip kiss and the French kiss," says Cane. "This is something completely different, and since you can switch roles, it never gets monotonous."

14. Tickle His Torso

Even though "they won't readily admit it," there are lots of places men would love if you lavished attention on, says Eric M. Garrison, an author and clinical sexologist. He suggests flicking your tongue across known erogenous zones — like the underarm — plus not-so-expected locations, like his rib cage.

15. Introduce New Sensations

There's more to your mouth than just a tongue. "You've got a tongue, lips, and teeth," says Garrison. "All three provide a different feel." In between licking and sucking sensitive zones like his nipples, try grazing them with your teeth for a little added excitement.

16. Start Talking

It doesn't get any easier than this. While sighs and moans are sexy in their own right, whispering phrases, demands, or even just their name is such a turn-on. Bonus: Getting vocal about what you want him to do to you guarantees you'll both enjoy each other even more.

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17. Call Him Up

Sexting is fun and all, but nothing beats good old-fashioned phone sex when you're far apart. Use this opportunity to describe your dirtiest fantasies to each other, and don't forget the toys: Garrison suggests using one to mimic oral while you're on the line.

18. Take It Back

"Have him lie on his stomach, then slowly trace a zig zag up his spine, starting from the very bottom," Dr. Kristie Overstreet, a California-based sexologist and psychotherapist says. "The spine contains lots of nerve endings, so you'll have him begging for more."

19. Experiment With Other Parts of His Body

Did you know that there are even more sexy places you can touch your partner? And if all those places you touch him feel good, think about how much better he'll feel when your mouth is on it. Just some places to consider: his elbows, his toes, his clavicle ... you get the idea. Every guy is different and will have different specific turn-ons, so it's worth trying new spots.

20. Ask What He'd Like – And Tell Him What You Want

Yes, questions can be sexy — but the answers can be even better. Ask him if there's something he'd like for you to try, be it now or in the future. And make sure you tell him what you want to try — he'll be more than happy to oblige.

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How to Turn on My Boyfriend in Bed
